How to Resize Taskbar Icons in Windows 10

2023年10月24日—-Right-clickonthetaskbar.-EnsurethatLockthetaskbarisuncheckedtounlockit.-Hoveryourmouseoverthetaskbar'sedgeuntilit ...,2022年7月28日—Right-clickonthetaskbarandselectLockthetaskbar.Clickandholdthetopofthetaskbar.Dragthemouseupanddow...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How do I decrease the width of the task bar to its normal ...

2023年10月24日 — - Right-click on the taskbar. - Ensure that Lock the taskbar is unchecked to unlock it. - Hover your mouse over the taskbar's edge until it ...

How do I Make Taskbar Smaller on Windows 10?

2022年7月28日 — Right-click on the taskbar and select Lock the taskbar. Click and hold the top of the taskbar. Drag the mouse up and down to resize the taskbar.

How do I reduce the height of the taskbar in Windows 10

2020年6月20日 — How do I reduce the height of the taskbar in Windows 10 · 1)Start by right-clicking on the taskbar. Look for the setting “Lock the taskbar”. · 2 ...

How to Change the Height or Width of the Taskbar on ...

2020年5月20日 — Once you see the resize cursor, click and drag the mouse up or down to change the height of the taskbar. Changing the height of the taskbar in ...

How to Make the Taskbar Smaller or Bigger

If you have Windows 10, you can right-click your taskbar and unlock it to change its size. Then, drag the top line of the taskbar up or down to make it larger or smaller.

Somehow, my Taskbar doubled in height. How to I reset it?

2022年9月14日 — I would like to reset the taskbar height on the right desktop down to it's original size. ... I know it did in Windows 10, but I don't see it ...

Taskbar along the Bottom Too Big

2022年9月18日 — Then, when the double-headed arrow appears, click & drag downwards until the Taskbar reaches its minimum height and then let go. Then right- ...

Taskbar height · valinet ExplorerPatcher · Discussion #2065

In windows 10, right click on the taskbar and untick lock the taskbar. Then you can adjust its height between one or two rows or more. Then right click on ...

What is the height (in pixels) of the Windows taskbar?

2019年1月18日 — In Windows 7 and newer, the taskbar is normally 40 pixels, taller than the 30 pixels that was the default on Windows XP (and Vista). An abnormal ...


2023年10月24日—-Right-clickonthetaskbar.-EnsurethatLockthetaskbarisuncheckedtounlockit.-Hoveryourmouseoverthetaskbar'sedgeuntilit ...,2022年7月28日—Right-clickonthetaskbarandselectLockthetaskbar.Clickandholdthetopofthetaskbar.Dragthemouseupanddowntoresizethetaskbar.,2020年6月20日—HowdoIreducetheheightofthetaskbarinWindows10·1)Startbyright-clickingonthetaskbar.Lookforthesetting“Lockthetaskbar”....

Taskbar Shuffle v2.5 - 拖曳移動工作列按鈕

Taskbar Shuffle v2.5 - 拖曳移動工作列按鈕


TrayEverything - 所有東西都縮下去吧

TrayEverything - 所有東西都縮下去吧


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